A Privacy focused Internet

Open Constitution AI Network is a digital commons infrastructure.

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About AI Network

Open Constitution AI Network is designed with regulatory and data privacy standards. The network has a constitution that helps humans self govern the network.

Any human can claim access to the network by unlocking beneficiary entitlements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Open Constitution AI Network for a layman?

A privacy focused Internet which hosts digital public services for social good. It is a publicly accessible private Trust where the beneficiaries are the active members of the Foundation.

Who runs the network?

A Foundation, as is defined in the network’s constitution( Global Statutes) runs the network. Foundation may have fiscal nodes in different tax residencies that manage data residency of the network’s participants.

Is the network a public asset? How do I access it?

Yes, the network is a public asset. A human can access the network by activating an E Residency. An organisation of humans, looking to govern the AI network must activate an E Tenancy.

So, I can govern the AI network. How?

Yes, Open Constitution AI Network has Articles of Association for its participants to steer the Foundation using its self governance model.